aaron jessup ryan pierce

its me its a mystery!!
i'm a
  • Software Developer
  • Computer Scientist
  • Part-time Ninja
  • Vim Evangelist
  • Nix Obsessive
  • Full-stack Wizard
  • Caffeine Enthusiast
  • TypeScript Gymnast
  • Slack Fiend
  • Rampant Automator
  • Prolific Emoji User
  • Software Developer
Built with Svelte Svelte

as seen on...

Future GridLivePresoInlightSeido KarateSwinburne Uni
Built with React React

let's make magic happen.

contact me at aaron@cute.engineer

reach out on linkedin hereLinkedin Icon

want to see how this spell was cast? check out the repo here

Built with Preact Preact